Dartmoor accommodation and things to do: www.visitdartmoor.co.uk
Dartmoor National Park Authority: www.dartmoor-npa.gov.uk
Dartmoor Magazine: Quarterly magazine for lovers of Dartmoor www.dartmoormagazine.co.uk
Guided walks: moorlandguides.co.uk
Dartmoor News magazine: www.dartmoornews.co.uk
Dog friendly places in Devon: www.doggydevon.co.uk
Devon Wild swimming: www.devonandcornwallwildswimming.co.uk
More Dartmoor walks and information: www.dartmoorcam.co.uk
North to South route: treksumo.com
Exploring the many aspects of Dartmoor: www.legendarydartmoor.co.uk
Dartmoor National Park Authority's resource library: www.dartmoor.gov.uk/learning/resources
Livewell South West, support organisation: www.livewellsouthwest.co.uk
Mental health charities, groups and services: www.time-to-change.org.uk