The easy walk takes in an old railway track two former quarries, plus some lovely views
DISTANCE: 5 miles (easy with some steep downhill bits)
PARKING: Princetown. Also toilets and refreshments there.The moors are not a great place to venture during poor weather because the terrain is very boggy in certain areas and even when the rain clears the ground can still be very wet underfoot. This is why I love the old railway track at Princetown as the sturdy path can be braved in all weathers.
After parking in the main car park at Princetown, turn left at the entrance and then past the old fire station, a footpath sign with point to the left. This will take you along a narrow path next to a small fenced of field and after a short time you’ll emerge onto the track, which leads to the right.
The railway was opened in 1883 and ran from Horrabridge through Dousland to Princetown. Yelverton replaced Horrabridge in 1885 and more stops were added to the line in the 1920s and 1930s. The line closed in 1956.
Follow the track and enjoy the beautiful views across Walkhampton Common.
After about a mile you'll walk past a boundary stone mark PCWW 1917 which is an old marker for Burrator Reservoir.
Half a mile after this you’ll see a track crossing the path, go past this and a little further on you’ll see a path on your left which will take you to Swelltor Quarry.
You’ll notice this path splits into two. Take the one on the left for an easier route which will take you around to a ruined stone house. If you have a good head for heights and sturdy boots, then take the path up to the quarry to enjoy some stunning views. Follow the edge of the quarry to the left and you’ll also arrive at the ruined stone house.
Swelltor was one of the larger quarries in the area and was operational until the early twentieth century. The ruined stone house was a blacksmiths and as you walk further along this path you’ll notice some large cut stones which are corbels carved for the Old London Bridge.
Past these, you’ll also notice some wooden sleepers on the ground - remnants of the railway.
The track continues with King’s Tor on your right, and takes a right and circles back the other side. There is an extra loop at the end to walk if you wish.
As you walk with King’s Tor on your right, the views on your left are of Merrivale, which is a large Bronze Age site, but you’ll need binoculars to spot most of these remains.
After about half a mile you may notice the terrain looks familiar - you’re now coming back to the point in the path where you branched off for Swelltor Quarry.
Go past this point and on your left is a wide track which will take you to Foggintor Quarry. For an easier walk, keep going on the railway line back to Princetown.
The quarry track will take you to some ruined buildings with far-reaching views over the area you’ve just walked.
Foggintor started quarrying around 1800 and some of Princetown and the prison is built with this granite. It was also used in Nelson’s Column!
At the ruins of the house you can go into the quarry to explore if you wish, or to continue the walk take the small path on the left up the bank. This will take you up the left side of the quarry and give you good views of it - stand far back if you don’t like heights!
Once at the top of the hill you’ll notice a path taking you back to the railway track. Or for something a little different, another track runs just above the old railway line, however prepare to get muddy on it.
The upper track joins back onto the main one at the clump of trees near the start of the walk.
Once back at the car park the only choice left is where to have a coffee and piece of cake.
© Gillian Adams 2013
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